A huge thanks to Erin Cox from The Gentle + Classical Press for doing this short interview with me in the Real Moms, Spreading the Feast interview series! I will put links to her resources down below!
Click here to see part #1 in this series.
When using Charlotte Mason’s ideas in our homeschools we often hear about “spreading a feast” of education for our children. But what exactly does that mean for the everyday, busy homeschool mama in 2023?
Now, whether we are Charlotte Mason purists OR simply just Charlotte Mason inspired in our homeschools (as I am), we are all interested in giving our children a well-rounded, full and living education at home, right?!
However, as busy homeschool moms, we can find it hard at times to fit it all in, and this can make us feel like we’re not doing enough, feel inferior and feel defeated.
So again, the question has been, “What does this look like for everyday, busy homeschool mom’s today?”.
And because of this question, I reached out to other homeschooling mamas to schedule some interviews with them and ask them how they spread the feast in their homeschools.
I knew that by hearing from other moms that it would be an encouragement for you as you begin to see how other moms find a way to make spreading the Charlotte Mason feast work for them.
None of us our perfect and our homeschools are not perfect. We’re just real moms, wanting to homeschool our kinds intentionally.
Now, when I started reaching out to other moms, I simply told them that I just wanted real answers, from real homeschooling mamas. I knew not everyone’s “feast” would look the same, and quite frankly, that’s the beauty of homeschooling and what makes it so special.
So, without further ado, here is #2 in the “Real Moms, Spreading the Feast” interview series, featuring Erin Cox from The Gentle + Classical Press. (See links to her resources below)
Real Moms, Spreading the Feast of Charlotte Mason in their Homeschools (Interview)
Links to Erin Cox’s Resources
Website- https://shopgentleclassical.com/
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