Have you ever gotten a weird look, snarl, or “interesting” comment from someone when you told them that you homeschool your children?
Me too.
It’s because a lot of people think we’re CRAZY for homeschooling, and quite honestly, I used to get offended at that.
Well, okay, maybe not “offended” per se, but more so “had my feathers ruffled a bit”.
Can you relate??
But then you know what? I came to realize that we ARE crazy (at least in the world’s eyes).
Hear me out…
The fact that you and I are choosing to sacrifice ourselves, our time, and our energy to teach our kids and raise them right, is crazy to most people.
That’s because most people would rather send their kids off to school and let someone else do the hard work of teaching their kids for them, so that they can have a career or something else.
But just because it’s crazy to some people that we homeschool…
It doesn’t mean that it’s not right or that it’s not wonderful.
When we choose to homeschool our children, we get the privilege to choose what NOT to be a part of.
When we homeschool, we choose NOT to be a part of things like:

- The dangers in public schools
- The bad influences
- The creepo agenda that’s pushed in schools, even on the littlest kiddos
- The bullying day in and day out
- The boredom of sitting in a classroom all day, at a desk, listening to a teacher
- Not being able to really socialize with others, because ya know, when in class, you can’t talk and socialize anyway!
That above and MORE is what we choose NOT to be a part of.
However, on the upside…
What we do get to choose to be a part of is bigger, better and so worth it!
What we GET to do is:

- Bring things to light for our children through our teaching and unique lessons
- Learn and create WITH them
- Watch them grow and progress, day after day
- Laugh with them throughout the day at funny things that happen during homeschool
- Cuddle up with some good books and read
- Do devotions in the morning because we’re not rushed to send them off to school
- Take time to eat lunch together and talk about our days, hopes, and dreams in life
Yeah, we might be a little “crazy” to homeschool, but it’s all those things listed above and MORE that really matter and makes homeschooling an absolute gift each and every day.
So be encouraged, friend! You’re not crazy to homeschool; in fact, you’re very smart!